10 Essential Steps to Declutter Your Home Before Sale



When preparing your home for sale, decluttering is not just a necessity; it’s an art. A decluttered home not only appears more inviting to potential buyers but also highlights the property’s best features. In the bustling UK property market, Brighton estate agents consistently stress the significance of presenting a home that breathes openness and appeal. In this guide, we’ll walk you through ten essential steps to effectively declutter your home, ensuring it’s presented in its best light.

Why Decluttering Matters

Decluttering is crucial for several reasons. It helps potential buyers visualise themselves in the space, makes rooms appear larger, and can even increase the sale price of your home. It’s about creating a welcoming environment that speaks of potential and possibility.

The Essential Decluttering Checklist
Start with a Plan

Setting Realistic Goals: Begin by setting achievable goals for each decluttering session. It’s not about perfection; it’s about progress.

Prioritising Areas to Declutter: Focus on high-impact areas first, such as the living room, kitchen, and master bedroom. These areas are crucial in making a strong first impression.

Create a Sorting System

Keep, Donate, Sell, Discard: Establish categories for your items to streamline the process. This system will help you decide what’s worth keeping and what’s not.

Tackle One Room at a Time

Maintaining Focus and Momentum: By concentrating on one room at a time, you’ll see tangible progress, which can be incredibly motivating.

Depersonalise Your Space

Removing personal items like family photos and memorabilia helps potential buyers imagine their own lives in the home, making the space more appealing.

Maximise Your Space with Smart Storage Solutions

Investing in smart storage solutions can help you organise what’s left and present a more spacious and tidy home.

Refresh Each Room

Cleaning and Minor Repairs: A clean, fresh-smelling home is more attractive to buyers. Address minor repairs to present a well-maintained property.

Enhance Curb Appeal

First impressions count. Enhancing your home’s exterior and entryway can significantly impact potential buyers’ perception.

Consider Hiring Professional Help

Sometimes, the best approach is to bring in professional organisers or cleaners to help streamline the decluttering process.

Take Before and After Photos

Documenting your progress can not only provide satisfaction but also serve as a powerful marketing tool when listing your home.

 Stay Motivated Throughout the Process

Remember why you’re decluttering in the first place. Keeping your eyes on the prize—a successful home sale—can help you stay motivated.


Decluttering your home before sale is a critical step in the selling process. It not only makes your home more attractive to potential buyers but can also contribute to a higher selling price and a quicker sale. Follow these ten essential steps, and you’ll be well on your way to presenting a home that buyers can’t resist.

Kimberly Strohm

Kimberly Strohm